Time-saving products for the painters of the world!
We provide quality products that will save time and money not only for professional painting contractors but also for everyone who paints.
For over 20 years, Paint & Peel's time-saving products have been relied on by professional painters in the industry and do-it-yourselfers alike. Our two signature products are specifically designed to save you time, headaches, and money! Easy to use and reliable products for the painter in you! And of course, our products are proudly made in the USA.

Our Products
Click a product to learn more.

Paint & Peel
Door Hinge Protectors
®Apply, paint, and peel! Your door hinge stays clean and paint-free.
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Paint & Peel
Painter's Foil Sprinkler Head Protectors
™Pre-cut foil sheets. Just wrap around the sprinkler head, paint and remove! No paint gets on the sprinkler head.
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